Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I'm so excited, and have you lovely followers, friends and family to thank for all the positive feedback on my little blog,
for the quill and ink.
Something I do take seriously and hold close to my heart. For me, this blog is all about creative inspiration, a rant here and there, and an insight into my 24 year old life here in Brisbane Australia. It's also a place where I can share my design and collective (beautiful image hording) talents.
It's been well over a year now, and I'm so proud that my little project is still going strong. I have even managed to inspire some of you good folk -- which to me is an incredible bonus.
I was first inspired to begin my blog when I moved back to my parents house in Inverell, New South Wales in March last year, when I came upon the rockstar diaries. I've mentioned her many times and can't say enough how much I love this blog. Taza, her Husband and Kingsley tell a simple and gorgeous story about life, as they know it - as it is. And it's lovely. From New York to DC their story is always one that grabs my attention. Since then I've been living in Brisbane (again) for just over a year, sometimes you just need a good time-out when life gets a little too hectic - and that's exactly what that three month stint at home did for me. It's the Sunshine State and even though winter has been a little nippy - you be hard pressed to find better weather anywhere else. You should visit sometime!
Being a major twittererererer, I've also gained the following (and follow) some amazing creative people both in Australia and worldwide, and apart from getting a kick out of tweeting, I can't recommend enough what a valuable networking tool this really is -it has coincided with my blog effortlessly. I'm always on the lookout for more inspiring people too, so feel free to send me a link to your blog, webpage or twitter account - I'd love to know what creative talents you have hidden up your sleeve.
It's cheesy, but I always get excited and run to Andy or Amy saying 'I've got a new follower!' accompanied by a wee dance or a huge grin - it truly makes my day.
Forgive my rant, but I'm in such a fine mood today and after an easy day at work, I'm at home in the lounge blogging away in the company of my lil sis and Weasley, that I just had to say
You may not realise it, but having this blog and your following friendships makes the day a little bit brighter.

Enjoy your Tuesday evening. I shall mine.


  1. what a lovely post!! I very much enjoy the beautiful images you share, so thanks for making my day brighter too!

  2. You are the loveliest Ms. Jazzie Fizzle! We should do coffee one of these days I think! :)

  3. No problem. It is a lovely blog, there is no way that we could not support it...

  4. haha thanks Chloe... yes a coffee date sometime sounds lovely! and how good is retro stop! wish it was closer so I could pop in more often!


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