Wednesday, December 1, 2010

the most wonderful time of the year

Can you believe it's December 2010 already? A year and a half ago I began my little blog, to place my creative rambles and recently share some of my personal work.
This year, I have met some amazing people who have inspired me no end, celebrated with friends and family and now the most wonderful celebration of the year is upon us.
Whether you believe in God or the significance of the holiday season, take time to appreciate all the good things that have come your way this year. I'm going to try and name a positive experience or happening every day this month, here on my blog. Could I encourage you to do the same?

Happy December, Happy Holidays, Happy celebrating!


  1. beautiful sentiment, lovely picture! I'm super excited about the holidays too... and spending them at home this year!
    - Catherine at

  2. Thankyou Catherine! I get to spend mine with my family this year too. Love a good family feast, petanque and banter that revolves around such a wonderful time of year!

  3. I am not much of a Christmas person. But I rather like the emotion that comes through in your piece. Really good.


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